Friday, October 2, 2009

Conference this weekend!!!

I love conference! Really, no joke love it. We get to sit back and listen to inspired leaders of the church talk to us. It would be great if it were more than twice a year. I like to take notes in my journal of things that I learn, and that stick out to me. Then at a later date when I feel as though I need some extra guidance I pull them out. Works every time to help give me a boost.
Watching conference gives me the extra get up and go needed. It always comes around when it seems I need it the most. Amazing how things work like that! :) I get to a point where I literally yearn to hear what the prophet has to share with us, he is such an inspired man who I love dearly.
On many occasions I have had things weighing me down, things that I get so concerned about, and don't really know what to do. Watching conference, or reading the talks later without a doubt gives me hope, and helps me in direction of what needs to be done. It is so great!!
Right now there seems to be a lot on my mind, things I am somewhat worried about. Don't get me wrong, I know everything happens for a reason, and I am growing from my experiences. Just in the moment sometimes it seems as though you are so far sunk you don't know what to do. Even in these moments there is a comfort I can not explain. I feel my Saviors love for me, pulling me through every moment of every day. For that I am eternally great full. I would not be able to make it though life without it. Not only am I blessed with his amazing love, but also the love and support of an amazing family. Makes my "trials" not so big when I realize I have so much love and support to make it through. Even with this I still need the guidance from my beloved Prophet and Apostles. Thank goodness it is this weekend! :)
For those of you who might not know what it is, I will explain a little bit. Two times a year we have the opportunity to turn on our TVs, go to a church building, or attend the actual conference itself. Leaders will give inspired talks, that can help in everyday life. They talk about a lot of different topics. Mostly centered around praying, scripture study, testimonies, missionary work, and so on. There will be funny stories, uplifting stories, and of course very spiritual ones as well. They usually are all wrapped in one. If this is something you would like to check out feel free to look at this website for more info. also there is another one you can look at. www.
Thank you for taking the time to read, I will have more posts about conference and other things that come to mind soon. :)

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