Thursday, May 9, 2013

To love as our Savior Loves

I recently was able to go to a seminar that was very educational. My intent on going was to learn how to grow my business, and be smart and successful. Little did I know that I would be taking not only great information in that area away, but a deepened drive to help those of our faith understand more fully what it is like for a non-member/inactive member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints to live in the state of Utah. (Now I say Utah because our religion is so saturated here. There may be other area's that are the same way.)

While sitting and talking with a dear friend who is also from here, an amazingly sweet woman sat down beside us to talk. She proceeded to ask us where we were from. When we told her that Utah was our home state, she explained "I used to live there".... and after a pause she said "That was the loneliest time of my life." My heart sank. As she explained how the neighborhood would have block parties, but she was not invited. I began to self reflect. Have I been the one not to think of the non-member neighbor for activities, and other gatherings? We are always reaching out in Relief Society to those of our faith, and try to do our best for each other. Which of course is so important, and something I am incredibly grateful for. Can you imagine the impact we could make if we reached out to all in the same manner? There are many who DO, and what great examples these people are of our Savior's love.

As the weekend went on, I was able to get to know another wonderful person. She grew up in Utah, however was not a member of the LDS church. Her story, as well as her husband's really broke my heart, and I knew that I needed to share...(Her story for now)

Both of her parents smoked, and they lived a different lifestyle than those here live. Due to this, other children were not allowed to play with her. She was not invited to parties, and was excluded from most everything. This not only affected her as a child, but into her adult years. She was, and is such a GOOD person, just had a different upbringing. As she now finds herself on a journey for the "right" church, I get the sense that, for the moment at least, the LDS church is not on her list to look into. Why? Simply because of the way things were when she was a child.

 Now, I have four children of my own, and I know what it is like to want to protect them from anything that may lead them away from the Gospel. So the question than becomes, how can we be Christlike to people who believe differently, yet still keep our kids strong in the Gospel?.. As I type this, the answer just seems so clear... By including them, and showing our children how to love everyone. It does not mean that we are saying "Here world, take my child and teach them your ways." It is giving your child the opportunity to become even stronger by giving them the chance to learn how to feel and show love for all. Just as our Savior would.(Even if it is inviting them into your home where you have careful watch as to what takes place)

 If our Savior has love for all than shouldn't we? Not only in word, but in actions as well.  This Church, the one I know to be true teaches us to LOVE. If we are to be true disciples of Christ we need to find a way to PERSONALLY reach out to those around us. Not just in tragedy, but constantly. There is always a way to touch the lives of those around us, members or not. Missionaries are constantly serving, but they can't do it alone.

We ALL have busy lives, with family, callings, work, and so forth. So I don't feel that it is intentional that some of us don't reach out. More so that we are just overloaded to a point. Can we free up just a little time, and make an intentional step towards making an impact for good in someones life? Maybe someone you normally would not surround yourself with? You may just find a new best friend.

Sometimes it seems we reach out like crazy to share the Gospel, but first we need to understand that no one will trust us, and what we have to share if they do not feel that we REALLY care about them. Whether or not this is the path they chose, you will love them and be a friend. Of course it is a ache we feel when we want so badly for them to accept this happiness in their lives. We can not force it, only be an example, and teach the willing. Be the person that makes people wonder what it is that is different about you. Understand that while they believe differently, they are children of God, and we are no better than them by any means.

I will end with this video of our Savior's life. May we always follow his example, and reach out to all.

I stand firm, but with love in my heart

Today has overwhelmed my brain a bit. Being torn slightly for a moment. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, my view as to what marriage is, seems to be pretty well known. However I believe that some may not understand it completely. While scrolling through my friend's (who I love and care about deeply) posts with the red = sign as their profile picture. My heart hurt. While my beliefs are planted firmly in my faith, for I know it to be true, it has never been my intent to harm or hurt anyone by them. Many people who I have come to love and care about believe differently than me. It has been my plan to just stay quiet, and not say anything as to not offend any of those I hold dear. However I feel a need to share where my heart is. It is my hope that those who feel the same, or different know that even though we have different beliefs, we can always still have love for each other.
Explaining "why" I believe the way I do seems to be a task in itself. Would you believe that it is a fire burning inside of me telling me it is right? Here is where my heart hurts, because naturally I love people just because they are who they are, however my firm beliefs make them feel otherwise. So I had to sit back and ask myself where do I stand on this? I believe that if I have a question, that the only place to get answers is from my Father in Heaven. I have been pouring my heart out in prayer through out the day. The feelings of sadness have been my companion because to believe the way I do, meant to hurt some I love.
A much needed sense of calm has come over me. The conclusion I have come to is that the Lord my Savior has love for all. It does not matter their situation, what they do, what they believe, and so forth. Just pure LOVE. While he as well as our Father in Heaven have an unconditional love, they do not condone all actions that their children do. There are many things that I myself have done, do, and I am sure will do in the future that they would not favor. We are all human, and have our decisions(feelings). It is not my place to point fingers and say another person's are worse than mine. What I can say, is that where I stand, and my beliefs are unshaken, AS WELL as my love for ALL.
It may seem hard to understand to some, and that is okay. What I am hoping comes across the most clear is that even though we may be on different paths, my love is not going anywhere.

Attached is a link to a video of our former beloved Prophet explaining what people of my faith believe to be true. We are not on a mission to hold people back from what they feel life/laws should be, but holding true to our own beliefs. It seems as though it is becoming a fine line.

Love to ALL!